Website/Webform/Software Automation
iTunes/Playstore App Reviews Aggregator
The "Mobile App Reviews Aggregator" by Autosofted is a program that pulls data from the iTunes Store webpage and Google PlayStore webpage. The data gathered are the 'reviews' for a specified mobile app. Typically, users can only see up to a maximum of 3 reviews when viewing an app in the iTunes store and up to 6 reviews if viewing an app in the Google Playstore. This program overcomes that limit and allows the user to view all reviews from either stores.
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PDF Properties Editor
A program with the ability to automate the Adobe Acrobat Pro software. This is a program that automates another software (in this case Adobe Acrobat). This tool allows the user to edit PDF properties such as Author, Title, Keywords, Description, Language etc. in a batch process. This allows for mass ADA tagging and file optimizing for several files being used by a given organization. Adobe Acrobat must be installed on the user's computer.
(1.15 MB)
Just for fun tools
Here is an example of a program that automatically fills in a few fields from the Google Advanced Search Form. The program then submits the form which would open an IE browser showing you the results.
(877 KB)
Here is an example of a program that finds and reads you the title of the Top 5 News currently posted on Yahoo News. (Internet connection is required)
(14 KB)
Personal Works
CMS Editing GUI
A program with a GUI interface allowing users to make updates in Metro's CMS (Content Management System) via a GUI. The GUI software would connect to the CMS (so far only works for django) and extract the HTML code from a specified webpage within the CMS. The data would then be copied onto the user's clipboard, where the user could paste it in DreamWeaver or another program so that they may make edits. After making the edits, the user can paste the code back into the GUI which would then transfer the updated HTML code to the CMS. (Not for public download)
If you have a request that requires automation of webpages, webforms or software, click on the "Contact Us" link and submit your query to us.